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A blog about what it’s like to be Kabaal klankbaan.

Happy 10th birthday

Nou’s dit 10 jaar later

en alles voel anders.

Today is kinda officially Kabaal klankbaan’s 10th birthday. And it’s been a weird ten years. On 2 October 2010 I played my first show as “Kabaal klankbaan”. Before that I released a couple of (badly) home-recorded songs on the internet, but I can’t remember when the first one dropped, so I guess 2 October is as officialy of a birthday as possible.

I’m pretty sure we were waiting for the Venga Bus to come.
Bus stop photos by Christelle Duvenage.

To mark the occasion, I thought it would be cool to release a song (in the form of a lyric video, for now). I wrote The Flogsta Scream a couple of years ago when I first found out about the phenomenon of students in Sweden communicating via the ritual of a 10PM anonymous and long-distance screaming session. I watched this video on YouTube and the concept fascinated me. There’s something beautiful about the primal connection with another human being made simply through sound. You know, almost like with music.
But for whatever reason, I didn’t really know what to do with the song, so I just recorded a demo on my phone and left it.

Then lockdown happened.

Suddenly, there was something super relatable about being stuck somewhere, with a constant sense of anxiety, and being cut off from most everyday forms of communication and connection with other people. The time had come to record the song. Even better, I found the idea of doing it remotely, via the internet, super appropriate. I got some drum tracks recorded via email, and put out a call on social media for people to sing along with the final chorus.
I’m very happy with how it all came out, but judge for yourself:

Okay but we also did stuff as a band.

Lockdown threw a spanner in the works, but we managed to postpone our recording plans to August. We went to High Seas Studios in Joburg, and recorded a new version of Not Tonight, Josephine. Look out for it wherever songs are found end of October.

Lastly, we’ve got a real-life show coming up

We’re playing at Park Acoustics on 25 October. Also on the lineup is Matthew Mole, Bye Beneco, and The Great Yawn. Get your tickets for R150 at – due to regulations, there’s only 500 tickets available, so act fast!

Okay here’s your summary if you skipped all the words to just get to the juice:

  • It’s our 10th birthday today. If you wanna eat cake, that’s cool.
  • The lyric video for The Flogsta Scream is on YouTube today.
  • Our new song, recorded as a real three-piece band, is coming end of October.
  • We’re playing at Park Acoustics on the 25th. It’ll be cool if you come (buy one of only 500 tickets before they sell out)

Wow. Let’s do 10 more years.


Nope, this has nothing to do with my song of the same name – I guess I now have to apologise for using such a terrible click-bait subject line.


But sometimes, when you really want people to get your message, you have to trick them into opening your emails. Here’s what I think is important to know: (If you hate all this support-your-local-musician nonsense, skip to the bottom of the post where there’s a new YouTube video and gig listing)

How to easily and cheaply support a musician or band

Numbers are important, as much as they suck. Not only to the band, but often also to anyone looking from the outside and judging the band (to maybe book them for an event or festival, for example). I’ve always dreamt of being one of those more-than-1000-Facebook-likes bands, but trends change and growth plateaus and you end up stuck on 600-and-something for more time than you’d like to admit:

Sorry - Kabaal klankbaan page likes

So here’s some things you can do about it:

(Not only for Kabaal klankbaan, but for all bands or musicians you like)

  • Like the Facebook page
  • Follow them on Instagram
  • Subscribe to their YouTube channel (also watch a video or two)
  • Follow them on Soundcloud
  • Stream their music on your favourite streaming service (Deezer, Google Play, Apple Music)
  • Follow them on Twitter
  • On all these platforms, also interact with the band. Comments, likes, downloads, retweets, including a song in a playlist, watch videos, etc, are all probably way more valuable than you think. Not only to make it look like the band has fans, but also to get more people noticing things.

And old-school, but not least

  • Request their songs on your favourite radio station (Kabaal klankbaan’s Robot Girlfriend has been playlisted on MixFM, KovsieFM, MFM, PUK FM, Radio Active Rock, Red Cap Radio, IFM, The Grind Radio, and maybe even one or two I’m not aware of)
  • Open the emails they send you so they don’t feel like lonely and worthless spammers
  • Tell your friends, and/or share links

And for those with a few bucks to spare, remember to

  • Buy music (CD or digital)
  • Buy merch like T-shirts
  • Go to gigs
  • Stop by the merch table at gigs and festivals

I almost forgot to tell you about our new YouTube video

It’s from our (soon-to-be annual) Halloween show, The Bride of Halloween (mark your calenders for 29 October). Here’s Kabaal klankbaan’s cover of the werewolfy Eels song, Fresh Blood:

Also, did I ever tell you about my creepy Chris Chameleon cover that went online last month? (see, that’s why you should subscribe on YouTube)

Or our rendition of Dammit Janet (from The Rocky Horror Picture Show)?

Here are some upcoming shows for the winter (but check Facebook or our website for updates)

Feel free to click the links:

11 June – Beerhouse, Fourways
14 June – Arcade Empire, PTA
17 June – To be confirmed, PTA
22 July – The Cockpit Brewhouse, Cullinan
25 July – Sinkshack, Bronkhorstspruit
30 July – Otterlake German Restaurant, PTA

Kersfees in Julie

As jy nie aan ‘n beter geskenk kan dink as ‘n Kabaal klankbaan konsert nie, het ek goeie nuus vir jou: Dis krismis in Julie!

Hierdie Julie loop daar konserte by my ore uit. Kyk net:

  • 3 Julie: Picnic at the Barn by The Climbing Barn: ‘n Heerlike, rustige, familievriendelike piekniek met lewendige musiek deur Kabaal klankbaan, Roan van As, en DJ Baas de Beer. R50 toegang.
  • 9 Julie: PTA vs. JHB : Final Round part 2 by Railways Cafe: Bobbejaan en “We did this” Records  bied ‘n vriendelike rondte aan waar ‘n paar Johannesburgers op ons tuisveld kom speel. Kabaal klankbaan, Slippery when wet, en Monday Morning Justice. R30 toegang.
  • 16 Julie: Sinkshack in Bronkhorstspruit: ‘n Aangename Saterdagaand by ons gunsteling plek anderkant Donkerhoek. Geen toegangsfooi. Heerlike kos en bier.
  • 17 Julie: Otterlake German Restaurant in Roodeplaat. ‘n Lekker Sondagmiddag met heerlike Duitse kos. Hulle het natuurlik bier ook. Geen toegangsfooi.
  • 23 Julie: Wêreld Records se Winter & Wine (mostly) Acoustic Sessions by Pop Filter Studios in Waterkloof Glen. Met Kabaal klankbaan en Liesbet Grey featuring Ola Kobak.

Dan gaan ek ook bietjie vakansie hou:

  • 3 Aug: Alma Cafe, Rosebank, Kaapstad
  • 6 Aug: Perigators, Pringlebaai

Sien jou daar!

PS. Hier’s ‘n foto van my saam met ‘n oulike hond: (Christelle Duvenage het die foto geneem en die hond grootgemaak)

IMG_9601 kleiner

2015 and everything.

I made a list of all the years that have ever been, and 2015 made my Top 5.
Even better: THIS 2015 was my #1 favourite 2015 I’ve ever had. And that was even before the new Star Wars came out.

So thank you. Thanks for coming to shows, still believing in CDs, and listening to the music! Thanks for supporting me all the way to STRAB in Mozambique, Oppikoppi, and from Benoni to Bronkhorstspruit. I was able to make and release my second album this year, and I simply can’t wait to do more.

At my last show of 2015 (16 December at The Good Luck Bar), I made a bootleg recording of the set. You can listen and download it below. It’s a free download, but will only be online for a limited time, so jump if you’re interested.

Kabaal klankbaan Live at the Good Luck Bar bootleg

More news about the future will be coming soon. For now, mark these dates on your calender for Kabaal klankbaan shows:

16 Jan 2016 – Sinkshack, Bronkhorstspruit
22 Jan 2016 – Railways Cafe, Irene

You can always also keep an eye on our website for the latest gig news!

I’ve been busy writing, recording, and planning, and I’m looking forward to sharing as much as possible of these new things with you. Yes, you.

Thanks for being here! 🙂

A Change in the Weather

Okay, okay. Here’s one more preview of the new album. This song is called A Change In The Weather, and features Siobhan Lloyd-Jones on violin.

Please remember our crowdfunding campaign is still ongoing until 27 Feb, and we really need your help:
a) If we don’t reach our goal, the campaign fails, we don’t print CDs, and everyone gets their money back. So please help spread the word, and encourage anyone who might be interested in contributing.
b) An exclusive thankyou/reward for all contributors (even if the campaign is unsuccessful) will be announced soon.
c) If we’re not offering the reward you’d really like as a perk, please let us know!



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